After doing some research on Microsoft I found that they have a pretty decent handle on the social media aspect. The first account I looked at was their twitter accounts. They have four "official" pages, they are: Microsoft News were they keep clients up-to-date on the latest with Microsoft; Microsoft Windows - here they seem to be tweeting back to a lot of people answering questions or concerns with this outreach; Microsoft this is where people learn fun tips (I just learned how to add my name to spell check so it stops saying I spelled my last name wrong!) and finally Microsoft Office - tips on working with the Office programs.
Second thing I looked at for social media was what they were doing Facebook wise. The very first page that pops up is the Microsoft Windows U College Tour 2010/11 - it directs you to a Microsoft student link were on the left is available for Windows 7 upgrade and on the right are tips of the day, free downloads, and tutorials. I thought that this was very strategic because college kids are constantly wanting to know the 'ins and outs' of their computer programs. The official Microsoft Facebook page is done fantastically. They immediately showcase their top news and a viewer can clearly see their "likes" (all other Microsoft pages on Facebook). I was really interested in their Wall though. It was interesting because it seemed like it was polluted with spam (hate post and people trying to advertise other products) while people who have questions went unanswered.
The last part of social media is their blogs. I think that they do a good job with them. They are very easy to find - going on their website they are right there. I'm not surprised that they do such a good job with their blogs - its been the part of social media that has been around the longest so they should be the most comfortable with them.
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